My new pen name!

SO I released my thriller, but I decided that, because it’s so different from my usual paranormal fare, I’d better release it under a pen name. May I introduce you to… Charlie Rhoads!

The new book is a domestic thriller with a nifty twist on the cursed inheritance trope and a dash of stalking. If you like twists and suspense, this is your next read!

The Best People You Know is now available in both e-book and paperback formats here:

I finished a thriller!

I’ve always wanted to write a thriller, but I was scared that I’d do it badly. Maybe I still have, but I think it works really well. I hope it works really well! It certainly came out fast enough!

I’ll have it out to y’all as soon as I get edits and cover art. Until then, here’s what I’m thinking of using as the blurb. Would you read this book??

Delia Jameson can’t catch a break. Her job sucks, her ex-boyfriend cheated on her, and now her beloved great grandaunt GeeGee died, and Delia can’t even get to the funeral. Imagine her surprise when the lawyer informs her she’s inherited GeeGee’s entire fortune.

Of course, her slimeball ex appears on her porch, trying to win her—and her money—back. An old friend from summers past also slides in, asking her to dinner despite not seeing her for a decade. Worse, she keeps getting strange, disturbing texts from an unknown number.

When someone breaks into her house, she begins to fear more than the opportunistic men in her life. When she starts reading GeeGee’s diary full of troubling secrets, she’s even more afraid.

Will Delia survive her true inheritance, or will she lose everything and everyone to the ghosts of the past?

And now for something completely different…

Hello, beautiful people! I forgot to tell you that I finished the vampire trilogy back in July. I was running ragged with LLS planning and then LLS unpacking, so I just sort of forgot.

Then, I was working on the Lorekeeper sequel, but the silliest thing happened. I got another idea. And it took over.

So now I’m writing on a super-secret project that I didn’t expect and wasn’t on my “coming soon” page. Oops. But it’s taken off like a rocket, so I’m gonna keep writing on it and see where it goes. Hopefully, to a completed book I can get out for you soon!

Until then, I’m updating my bookshelf page with the trilogy links, and Lone Wolf Mates, my werewolf revenge story, is free (ebook only) this week until Friday, Oct 27, 2023! Woot!

I have lots of freebie weeks planned between now and the end of the year, so I’ll try to remember to post about them here as well as on Facebook.

Happy reading, wonderful people!

Hello, again!

I am SO CLOSE to the end, guys. I got waylaid by life for a while there — medication SNAFU with the new insurance from the new job — but I’m clawing my way back and getting words again. I’m so close. Seriously.

Snerk vampires. I love them. I want them to have closure, darn it.

But until then, I’m getting my ducks in a row for my second year of LLS (writer’s conference in Savannah, GA, in just a few weeks) and still unpacking. It’s crazy the stuff you’ve had packed so long that you feel like you can live without it… until you unpack it and are like “HOW DID I LIVE WITHOUT YOU??”

Working thru it. Playing thru the pain. Rubbing some dirt in it. Pick your metaphor.

Will hopefully have the good word for you soon. Crossing all the things!

Hokay. Soh.

So the big things I mentioned in that previous post? They happened. I’ve moved to the country, where I’ve been wanting to be for a few years now. It finally happened. Everything just lined up and BOOM. Country Me was born.

I’m so freaking excited. I have a whole new Hobbit Hole house. I can finally unpack all my books and decide what to keep and what to donate. I can spread out all my movies. I can have a couch! And a chaise, dahlink!

But my favorite thing of all is my closet wall. It’s a whole wall with a closet on either side and a built-in chest of drawers in the middle. It’s glorious. I designed it myself and my dad, brilliant carpenter that he is, built it for me. He pretty much built the whole house himself, really.

He’s 75 years old. Seriously.

But anyway, I’m here, and I’m ready to get focused on getting this third book in the trilogy done. I’ll be unpacking for a while, but if I can just keep zooming with my beloved sister most nights, I should be done in no time. Especially when I reach that tipping point where I can almost taste the end and just want to write write write get it done done done.

Almost there. Getting close. There has to be some sex first. Sigh.

Hello, all!

Two out of three books in the snarky vampire trilogy are done! Woot woot! And I’m already working on the third! Yay!

It’s been a crazy few weeks. Maybe a crazy month. Big things are afoot that I’m hoping will really help put me in my best place to be productive and prolific. Everyone keep their fingers crossed. I hate to be cryptic (that’s a lie; I love being cryptic), but I daren’t say anything just yet and risk jinxing it.

Just… cross all the things. Fingers. Toes. Arms. Legs. Eyes. Streets.

But not Chuck Norris. No one crosses Chuck Norris and survives.

More detail soon, I hope!


Okay, so COVID didn’t kill me, but it certainly didn’t make me stronger. I did, however, manage to write not one but TWO books since last I updated! That’s right, folks. I wrote a duology for your reading entertainment, both holiday-based.

The first is His Monstrous Web, which is a Halloween/fall-based story about a girl and her apple-selling, farmer’s market crush… who happens to be a shifter who turns into a giant black widow spider every full moon. And she’s afraid of spiders. So that’s fun.

The sequel is His Christmas Web, which you can probably tell is the asked-for Christmas dinner at the spider’s family home in Upper Peninsula, Michigan. It’s jam-packed full of snowy shenanigans, so many vegetarian gourmet dinners, and festive cheer.

So I have been working, and even on the vampire story promised in the “coming soon” section of my website. It may, however, be a trilogy instead of a standalone. Sheepish. So it’ll still be a while before it’s ready. But I’m working on it!

And I’m eyeballing the space shifters story, too. Warily, but still.

Anyway! Love you all, and I hope you have a very happy rest of the holidays!

Back in Black!

I’m back from LLS! Made some friends, made some money, got some COVID–

Yeah. Sorry. I got COVID at the con. I didn’t wear my mask because I was vaxxed and boosted. I got overconfident. Won’t happen again. I don’t have the PTO at work for it!

That’s the worst part about having a chronic condition or two AND a day job–there’s never enough paid time off to go around. It took everything I had to save up enough for the conference, and I still had to work a few hours extra to cover the time.

One of these days. I’m shaking my fists at the skies. I am!


Writing writing writing! And trying to get ready for LLS, which is next week! So exciting!

I’ve never taken a vacation in my adult life. Seriously. The closest thing was a trip to the Pro Bowl in Hawaii back in the year 2000 that I and my boyfriend at the time won. That’s it. That was my last vacation. 22 years ago.

So yeah, I’m a little excited. Was just telling my beloved sister that I’ve never had to craft an out-of-office message for my work email. Ha!

I dunno if I’ll be posting any pics from the con or not. I’m not actually much for pictures unless I’m in a theatre thing, but you never know. I’ll have all my shiny books lined up, and I’ll be in costume for at least one event–the Book Tea, for which I’m going Victorian–and you never know what other fun stuff might pop up. We’ll just have to see.

Until then, I’m gonna enjoy the ride and hope all goes well! And avoid the Savannah-in-July heat as best I can, because I am a delicate flower who wilts in direct sunlight. Mwahah!

Bits and Bobs

So I maybe wrote a whole play script last week. I got an idea, and my theater peeps often ask if I’d write them something original, so I just kind of did the thing.

I did keep writing on the cheeky RH vampire romance, though, so those of you who are waiting for that one, it’s still going strong. I’d say I’m about a third of the way through, depending on how long the sex scenes get. Heh. Okay, maybe a quarter of the way.

Got good words tonight, and I’m hoping to get good words the rest of the week. Early in the week is always harder for me because my body kicks up a fuss, but we’re at midweek now, baby. Turn up the juice and get that bread!